Your Ultimate Guide to Anime Conventions Near You in 2022


Anime, a fascinating world capturing the hearts of millions globally. The unending passion of fans leads to grand rendezvous, known as Anime Conventions. Unsure of where to find these conventions? This is your ultimate guide to anime conventions near you in 2022.

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What are Anime Conventions?

An Anime Convention is a social gathering where fans, creators, and enthusiasts of the Anime culture meet. It’s a platform to meet like-minded people, attend panel discussions, witness cosplay contests, and much more. Every year, various Anime Conventions occur worldwide, drawing in huge crowds and creating unforgettable experiences.

Why attend an Anime Convention?

Attending an Anime Convention is like stepping into a different universe. It is where you not only explore your favorite anime but also discover new ones, meet representatives from well-known anime studios, and be part of exciting events such as cosplaying and gaming competitions.

Upcoming Anime Conventions in 2022

Now, let’s dig into our main focus – the upcoming anime conventions near you in 2022. This list will provide location details, dates, and what to expect from each convention.

1. Anime Expo – Los Angeles, USA

One of the largest anime conventions globally, the Anime Expo, will take place in Los Angeles, USA, from July 1st to July 4th, 2022. It will offer a variety of events, from autograph signing to premieres of new anime series.

2. Japan Expo – Paris, France

Happening between July 21st and July 24th, Japan Expo in Paris, France, is not just an anime convention but a celebration of Japanese culture.

3. OtakuFest – Miami, USA

OtakuFest, set to occur in Miami, USA, on August 27th and 28th, promises a two-day spectacle of cosplaying, gaming tournaments, and anime merchandise sales.

Remember to keep updated with the respective official websites for changes due to the prevailing COVID-19 situation.

What to Expect at an Anime Convention?

Knowing what to expect at an anime convention can vastly improve your experience. These are a few possibilities:

  • Panel Discussions and Q&A. A chance to meet and interact with voice actors, animators, and creators.
  • Cosplay Events. Witness or participate in colorful and engaging cosplay contests.
  • Premieres. Be among the first ones to watch upcoming anime series or films.
  • Anime Merchandise. From Manga collections to action figures, find your favorite anime merchandise.

How to Make the Most Out of Anime Conventions?

These are some essential tips to make the most of your anime convention experience.

  • Plan Ahead. Many conventions publish their schedules ahead of time. Picking and choosing what you want to experience will save you time and distress.
  • Stay Hydrated and Well Nourished. Amid the excitement, don’t forget to take care of your health.
  • Respect the Attendees. Whether it’s cosplayers or fellow con-goers, remember to be polite and respectful.


Encapsulating the excitement and essence of an Anime Convention by mere words is a challenge. It’s something best experienced. The list of upcoming anime conventions provided here is your compass to navigate through the world of anime gatherings in 2022; whether it’s the Anime Expo in Los Angeles or the Japan Expo in Paris, you now have the guide to plan your anime adventure.

Anime enthusiasts, prepare for a year filled with memorable moments, exciting encounters, and anime galore. Here’s to a splendid anime 2022!

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